
iFit Group OÜ is a company that started operating in 2012, the aim of which is to offer its customers high-quality food supplements, gym equipment and clothes from the world's top manufacturers necessary for successful training, constantly updating its selection.

iFit Group OÜ
Reg. no. 12269760
KMKR: EE101532626
Tartu mnt 52, 10115 Tallinn, Estonia

Bank details:
iFit Group OÜ
Swedbank: EE692200221054895668
LHV: EE717700771002270044

(EST/ENG) +372 506 4739

iFit - Tartu mnt 52, Tallinn
Mon-Fri 12:00-17:00
L 12:00-16:00
You can pay on the spot in cash or by card

We are currently the official representative in Estonia:

Scitec Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, BSN, GRENADE, Musclepharm, MadMax, Smartshake, Myprotein, Ostrovit, Animal, Dymatize, Ghost, Muscletech, Now Foods, Rule1, Xtend

We also import Cellucor, Gaspari Nutrition, Dymatize, MHP, Dedicated Nutrition, Nutrex, Scivation, Syntrax, San Nutrition, Quest Nutrition and so on at the best prices. We can offer the best price in Northern Europe because we get the products directly from the manufacturer (no intermediaries!).